Saturday, December 12, 2015

"Women are Inferior" Says Fox Commentator

There is a program on Fox on Saturday evening "starring" Greg Gutfeld,
 its sort of a low IQ Daily Show.
I think Gutfeld is supposed to be witty and charming.
Actually, he's neither.
He has a panel of four or five commentators.
4 of them are self styled conservatives and one is the token liberal.
The token liberal often begins her comments by saying "Actually I agree with the panel...,"
At the beginning of tonight's show the subject was the military's decision to allow women to serve in combat roles.
The female commentators said, basically, "women are not fighters. They are mothers and housewives."

The "host" Gutfeld said, "Sorry, but women just don't have it. They are physically weak."

Well.....I would like him to make that statement to Holly Holmes.
My prediction?
She would knock Gutfeld out in less than a minute.
She could probably whip the entire panel, at the same time.

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