Sunday, December 20, 2015

Elvis Costello Boycotts Israel

“Peace, Love & Understanding”?: Has-Been Elvis Costello Boycotts Israel

Recently, I told you about several anti-Israel parties pressuring Elton John to cancel his scheduled concert in Tel Aviv. To his credit, John heretofore has ignored them (unlike Carlos Santana, who did bow to the anti-Israel boycott).
Latest HAMASnik: Evils Costello (Freudian Typo)
(Elvis Costello Scum Art by The JIDF)
Sadly, a has-been from the ’80s, Elvis Costello, not only doesn’t have John’s staying power from the ’80s, but he does not have the cojones that John has displayed. He’sboycotting Israel. Our friend, the JIDF, has the complete details on Costello’s decision to appease HAMAS. As JIDF notes, Costello is attributing his cancellation of two concerts in Israel on the “intimidation” and “humiliation” of Palestinians. Tell it to Gilad Shalit and the residents of Sderot, Elvis. Tell it to the victims of Munich. Tell it to the Palestinians who are–every single day–humiliated and intimidated by their own rival factions and corrupt terrorist leaders. Read the great commentary on this latest candidate for the “Shut Up and Sing” human waste management file.
“What’s so funny about peace, love and understanding?” That Elvis Costello, the singer of those words has zero comprehension of them. Instead, he’s embraced the forces of violence, hatred, and intolerance in the Islamic and anti-Semitic worlds (redundant).

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't have thought that Elvis Costello would do this.
    If I'm his last fan, in a minute he won't have ANY fans.


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