Tuesday, May 5, 2015

ISIS supporters: Morons or Imbeciles?

Posted at 4:08 a.m., May 5 

ISIS supporters claimed responsibility for Sunday's attempted attack on a convention center in Garland, Texas.
"High;lyBrandon Wade / AP
Highly trained ISIS fighters armed with automatic rifles gunned down by one American Policeman armed with only a handgun

ISIS criminals are pretty good at murdering women and children, but when ever the odds are even these terrorists are always outfought by normal people.
These two cowardly losers had planned to murder as many innocent, unarmed people as possible at an art exhibition'
They jumped out of the car armed with AK47s and body armor.
One cop, armed only with a pistol, sent them both to Hell.
ISIS claimed responsibility for the attempted attack on Tuesday, CNN reported.
The group justified the actions by the gunmen, identified as Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, saying in their al-Bayan Radio news bulletin that the exhibition “was portraying negative pictures of the Prophet Muhammad,” according to the BBC. An audio statement on the group’s radio states said that “two soldiers of the caliphate,” carried out the attack and promised for more attacks in the future, according to the Associated Press.
This is the first time ISIS has claimed responsibility for an attack in the U.S., according to AP, but U.S. officials have not confirmed whether or not the extremist group was behind Sunday’s shooting.
I'll confirm it.
These clowns were pretty typical of ISIS criminals, stupid and cowardly.

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